24th June ,2019

 I was summoned by my doctor for some emergency discussion as I had been undergoing tests for a lump in the neck for the past few days. On reaching the doctor’s cabin I was told that my reports indicate that I may be suffering from thyroid carcinoma. It was a bombshell for me and everyone around me. I was then advised to undergo further tests.


8th July, 2019

Results of the tests confirmed the previous diagnosis.


The next few days were spent in analyzing the mistakes and planning the future course of treatment.

What did I miss?

Where did I go wrong?

How will I overcome this?

Will I die?

Numerous doubts rose in my mind.


12th July,2019

Today, I got up in the morning and found the answer to all my doubts.

Realization dawned….. My focus towards my health was negligible.


Because no major sickness had ever happened to me and I was overconfident that nothing will ever happen to me. I wrongly believed that I will remain untouched from any major illness.

 I will exercise when I am old.

I will quit junk food when I am old.

 I will quit sugar when I am old.

 Illnesses come in old age and am not old.



Our body gives signs when it is not well but do we ever listen? I ignored my body.

  • I had constant fatigue. I told myself it was because I was overworked.
  • A mild twist fractured my foot a few years back and I was warned to take a calcium rich diet. I promised myself but on and off I broke my promise.
  • I was gaining weight and I blamed it on my fatigue due to which I was unable to go for walks.

As you can see I created a vicious cycle of excuses around me.

We take our health and life for granted till we face some medical emergency.Health is not valued till sickness comes.

  • It is very important to eat healthy.
  • Take out some time for physical exercise.
  • Develop and nurture a hobby that helps to overcome stress as well as keep you occupied in a healthy manner.
  • Read books.
  • Write about your happiness, dreams, sadness etc. Pour it out. You will immediately feel better.
  • Surround yourself with positive thinking and friends. Be there for them if you want them to be around you when you need them. Socialize personally not just on social media.
  • Get the basic blood tests done once a year.
  • Health Insurance is a must. Thankfully I had it and eventually got the best treatment thanks to their full cooperation and prompt funding. (How I beat cancer and what it taught me::: Sonali Bendre’s Interview)
  • Stay positive throughout the medical treatment and beyond.Your worrying is not going to help.It has been proven that stress releases hormones that aggravate the disease.
  • Most importantly stop postponing living your life for an unknown time in the future.


Has this changed my outlook? Oh yes! It has.

  • Focus is one powerful habit that keeps me going.
  •  I am eating healthy. Not that I have stopped eating out but I keep a check on what I eat.
  • I have resumed my habit of walking.I used to love walking but had stopped 5 years back when I fractured my foot and eventually  became lazy to resume  it.
  • I exercise or do yoga.
  • I am very conscious about my health and take my body symptoms seriously rather than just ignoring them.Of course I do it without being paranoid.
  • I pamper my body. How will I pursue my  numerous goals and dreams if it stops working?

 GREAT HABITS ARE FORMED DAILY..Even though the 21/90 rule can help us to achieve small victories and guide us towards a greater good. Please do not expect some magic to occur after 21 days. It totally depends on your attitude.

The 21 Day Myth.


Cheers to a happy and healthy life…

This post is a part of Blog Anniversary celebrations of Thoughts by Geethica Turns 3 co-hosted by Zainab and Ashvini.

It is based on the prompt ::::  Today,I got up in the morning and found…….



Published by Pashmeena Chowdhary

May you live in such a way,that others will say,"She is a woman,who though ordinary,somehow stands out and has a beautiful story to tell." 😊 (Daisaku Ikeda)


  1. Pashmeena, a balance lifestyle is very important in order to maintain good health. It’s a combination of mental and physical health.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear pash….. It’s so miraculous that you won this battle of life rather snatched it back….. That’s your determination and will power which made you win it back….. Most important it is your rebirth as a much awakened soul and making you conscientious about the lifestyle that one needs to adopt in life…. Amidst hectic schedules and stress we certainly ignore our precious health…… Your writing is so encouraging and an alarming reminder for everyone who take things for granted…… It’s never too late to start…… I am definitely going to reread this article time and again……. As a narrative it’s very heart touching…… And an excellent piece of writing 😘😘😘😘💕💕💕💕💕

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I completely agree with you Pashmeena.. we unconsciously take our health and life for granted until we did not face any serious medical issue. Thanks for reminding all points for good physical and mental health. Will help all of us to pay more attention to our health.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. truly said, even I keep on saying will exercise when I’m old but it seems I’m old enough now to begin the health routine. Body & health taken for granted so not correct we need to nourish it, pamper it, give nutrients as we do to any plant or tree. As we read, eat, sleep daily so should be fitness & exercise.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. First of all thank u Pashmeena for writing on such a sensitive topic in such a flawless manner. Ur words ring an alarm and the reader is bound to think twice about his/her health. U r right, that we dont pay heed to our health till we face the adverse effects. I didn’t pay heed to my diet until I was diagnosed with gall stones. But ur blog strikes the right cord. It is encouraging and motivating to say the least..keep writing and keep encouraging with your powerful words.


  6. Wonderful writeup. We all know how important it is to follow a healthy life style yet ignore it. And the excuses you have mentioned are so realistic that one gets guilty as you feel you have been caught red handed. Thanks a lot for this reminder.


  7. recommend me a health insurance ? I am looking for it but not able to decide among so many complanies. I would be thankful if you mail me

    Liked by 1 person

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